Everything you need to resolve issues faster and delight both tenants and owners.
Powerful maintenance management tools that eliminates paperwork, improve response times, and automate tedious tasks.
Enable your tenants to self-manage submission of requests for maintenance, track status and provide detailed information and attach files like photos themselves.
Create work orders linked to maintenance requests. Keep owners aware with copies of work orders via the Owner Portal.
Tenants, owners, or staff can submit work orders, and attach videos, documents, and images. Get status updates from your device or email.
Keep central database of your vendors and track each vendor's performance via detailed performance insights.
Translate work orders into bills and pay them from within your accounting tool, while automatically keeping detailed records of every transaction with each and every vendor.
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Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.